Neighborhood News: Chevy Chase

Upcoming projects, new developments, including a new metro line, and upscale restaurants in the Chevy Chase neighborhood.
Chevy Chase is booming with new projects and developments coming in the next few years. One of the busiest developments is due to start construction in early 2018. The Chevy Chase Lake Shopping Center on Connecticut Ave will be torn down and rebuilt to include two apartment buildings and a condo building. There are also plans to include a 50,000 sqft. space on the building’s ground floor for a grocery store (although no info has been provided yet as far as what grocer will go in).
There are plans in the works for five apartment buildings to be reconstructed into two apartment buildings. The current building is called the Newdale Mews Apartments. The construction plans to house around 125 residential units and ultimately be renamed “The Crescent at Chevy Chase.”
Purple Line talk has been buzzy since the mid 2000s. If development of the proposed Metro line does happen, Chevy Chase could get up to 1,000 townhomes, condos and apartments, a public park and playground as well as bike trails and varying amounts of town centers.
Just over the Chevy Chase line in Bethesda boasts multiple new condo and apartment buildings and retail as well, like the new upscale Silver Diner outpost “Silver” and swanky seafood restaurant “Passionfish.” With talks of the Barnes and Noble being on the outs, residents in the area are anxiously waiting for what will go in its place.
Also in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase area is the proposed “Westbard Development.” The 1.8 million sqft. project will completely redesign Westbard Avenue. The Giant grocery store that currently is the anchor of the Westwood Shopping Center would grow and three 60-foot tall buildings are in the mix to be added. Construction could begin as early as the beginning of next year. There also plans for the installation of an underground parking garage that would provide spaces for over 1,000 vehicles.