Tagged : New York Avenue RSS Feed

Found 2 blog entries tagged as "New York Avenue".

The DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) has been renovating the New York Avenue Bridge for years. The span carries traffic over the rail yard north of Union Station. During the rehabilitation project, DDOT decided that the bridge needed some visual appeal like the lions on the Taft Memorial Bridge, tigers on the 16th Street/Piney Branch Bridge, or horsemen on Memorial Bridge. So DDOT enlisted the help of the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities (DCCAH).

DCCAH oversaw the project to adorn the bridge that is the gateway from an area of industrial warehouses to a new and more vibrant NoMa neighborhood. Currently, two 52-foot-high (over 5 stories tall), 56-foot-long, 22-ton, wing-like, steel sculptures appear on either side of the bridge on New York…

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Union Market is a year-round food market with 40 local artisans located between Gallaudet University and New York Avenue on 5th Street in Northeast DC.  It’s also near the H Street Corridor and Trinidad neighborhoods. 

What can you find inside the 47,000-square-foot warehouse that is Union Market?  Fresh vegetables, cheese, meats, oysters, tacos, empanadas, breads, beverages, olive oils, vinegars, pickles, gelato, cupcakes, home decor, and more.  Maybe I should have asked what you can’t find there!

The culinary destination opened in September and is curated with a selective process to find the best food artisans.  The vendors have a mix of experience from well known restaurant owners to brand new entrepreneurs.  Some will be permanent vendors, while…

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